Here’s a nasty limerick:
Miss Mary Brown
said no man could lay her down,
but over the hill came piss pot Pete
with twenty pounds of swinging meat.
He laid her on the grass
and put it in her ass,
but she blew a fart
that knocked his balls apart
Back over the hill went piss pot Peete
with twenty pounds of shredded beef!
There was a girl named Mary Brown/Who swore no man could get her down/Then over the hill rode Pisspot Pete/With sixteen inches of swinging meat./As long as your arm,as thick as your wrist/He stuck it all in that son of a bitch…..that’s all I can remember…HVP
They fucked and they farted and shit on the floor/The wind off her ass and blew the knob off the door/The moon showed on the nipple of her tit/As they carved thier initials in a bucket of shit.