Is That How It Really Happened?

Every night just before bedtime, Little Johnny listens to his father reading fairy tales. Having a deep sense of humor, his father usually ad-libs some parts of the fairy tales just for fun.

One day, Little Johnny is in class listening to the teacher reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. The teacher reads, “… and the little pig met a man pushing a wheelbarrow full of straw. So the little pig said to the man, ‘Excuse me, mister. Can I have some straw so that I can build a house?'” At this point, the teacher pauses and asks the class, “Can anyone tell me what the man with the wheelbarrow said?”

Little Johnny immediately raises his hand and the teacher calls on him. “I know! I know!” says Little Johnny excitedly. “The man said, ‘Holy shit! A talking pig!'”

The teacher is unable to teach for the next ten minutes.
