Eye Problems

Jim and Ted play golf together every Monday. Jim always wins because Ted is a terrible putter.

One Monday, Ted can’t miss. He sinks every shot on the green. Jim can’t believe his eyes!

After the round, Jim asks, “What has happened? You can’t miss today.”

Ted says, “Order up the beer, I have to go to the bathroom”.

When Ted comes back the front of his pants are all wet.

Confused, Jim asks “What happened to your pants?”

“I’ll get to that in a minute, let tell you about my game.

I went to the eye doctor last week, and he said that I need bifocals. So when I look down, I see a little ball and a big ball. I look over and see a little hole and a big hole. I put the little ball in the big hole, and I can’t miss.”

“What about your pants?”

“I looked down and saw a little one and a big one, figured the little one wasn’t mine, so I put it away.”
