On his third marriage already, Mr. Jones wanted to start a new life with a virginal young woman, since his marriages to worldly types were unsuccessful.
He searched the country for a young innocent female — he classified by asking a simple question. Upon meeting a young lady he’d show them a picture of his member and ask them what it was. If the response was “dick” the lady was dirty and not worth marrying.
After interviewing hundreds of ladies he finally ran across one in the hills of Montana that gave him an acceptable answer, “That’s a pipi.” Upon hearing such innocence, the man immediately proposed marriage.
After a week of marriage the man had to confess his actions to his new bride. “I married you”, he said “because you were the only woman that was innocent enough to answer my question ‘pipi’ instead of ‘dick’.”
“Dick!” laughed his new wife, “My former husband had a huge dick! You showed me a pipi!”