The nervous father-to-be was pacing outside the delivery room when finally the doctor emerged. “Oh, doctor!” he cried. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“I’m afraid I have a bit of bad news,” said the doctor gravely. “I’m sorry to have to tell you that your child was not born complete.”
The father’s face fell, but he said, “well, I’m sure it can have a happy and complete life in any case.”
“It’s pretty bad,” said the doctor. “I’m afraid your child has no arms or legs.”
“Oh,” said the father. “At least I understand they are doing wonderful things with braces and prostheses these days.”
“It’s not going to be easy,” said the doctor. “You see, your child was born with no torso. In fact, your child is only a giant ear.”
The father sighed and said, “Well, I’m sure my wife and I can make the best of it.”
The doctor said, “I’m afraid that’s not the worst of it. It’s deaf.”