Three Jewish immigrant brothers named Moshe, Aaron and Daniel, had a dinner reunion to celebrate their fifteen years stay in America. Since Mother’s Day was just around the corner, they were discussing the gifts they would be giving their Momma back home in Israel.
Moshe the eldest brother said, “I had a mansion built in Jerusalem and Momma would be moving into it on Mother’s Day.”
Aaron the middle brother said, “I bought a special edition Mercedes Benz for Momma and I hired a driver to take her anywhere she wants to go in Jerusalem.”
Daniel the youngest brother said, “I bought Momma a talking parrot.” Seeing his two brothers raise their eyebrows at him, Daniel raised his hand and said, “This is a special and very expensive parrot. Remember how Momma always likes to read the good book? Well, lately she can’t see very well anymore. Now this parrot was trained to memorize the entire good book in Yiddish. Just tell it a chapter and it will recite the passages in perfect Yiddish.”
The three brothers then congratulated each other for the wonderful gifts their Momma would be receiving on Mother’s Day.
Two weeks later, each brother received a letter from Momma.
To Moshe : “I only live in a very small room but I have to clean such a big house everyday.”
To Aaron : “I seldom use the big car to go out because I spent most of my time cleaning the big house. Besides the driver you hired is such an annoying lazy schmuck.”
To Daniel : “The chicken you sent me was delicious!”